We have answered the questions we are frequently asked by our letting agent clients on this page. If your question is not answered
on this page please feel free to contact us.
Do I need to register?
Before using Rentguard Tenant Referencing services you will need to register your details with us. The details you supply will be used
solely for the purpose of providing our services to you.
Once you have completed the registration form you will immediately receive an email confirming your registration. An account manager will
contact you shortly and send you all of the information you need.
There is no registration or monthly charges – simply register now and pay only when you want to order a service.
Do you provide monthly credit accounts to your Letting Agent clients?
Yes. When you register to use our services we will verify your agency details. Subject to being able to verify your account details we will
open a monthly credit account for you.
Which type of enquiry should I carry out?
This is a personal choice and depends on your attitude to risk assessment. Simply, using our Credit Check service will let you know if your
prospective tenants or guarantors have had any problems in the past and given you the correct addresses. Our Full Profile service will include references
and income confirmation and the result will be predictive of what is likely to happen in the future.
How do I place an order?
Letting Agents can choose between submitting online applications or by sending application forms that have been completed by your applicants.
For Credit Check and Company applications you can simply enter the information required into the online form. For Full Profile Applications you
can choose between an online application or sending in completed paper applications.
» Further information on how to place an order
Can I issue application forms to my tenants?
Yes, you are able to download our Application Form and issue one form per tenant/guarantor.
How do I pay for your services?
Our services are usually provided to Letting Agents on a monthly credit account. You will receive an invoice at the end of the calendar month
for all applications submitted during that month.
Can I purchase Rent & Legal cover?
Tenant Referencing is a requirement of our Legal Expenses & Rent Guarantee products. Using Rentguard Tenant Referencing will help meet the
requirements of the policy.
» Further information about Rent & Legal Protection Requirements
When will you recommend a guarantor is in place?
We will recommend a guarantor when:
- the applicant has insufficient income
- the applicant has minor credit history problems
- the applicant is unemployed or we are not happy with the status of their employer
- the applicant is self-employed and unable to provide acceptable proof of income
- we receive a negative reference from a current/previous landlord
- the applicant is a student, unemployed or on housing benefit
- the applicant’s history of residence or identity can not be verified
- the application is considered generally weak for any other reason
When will you decline a guarantor?
We will decline a guarantor application when:
- negative credit history is located
- the guarantor has insufficient income
- the guarantor is employed on a temporary contract or casual employment
- the guarantor is self-employed and has no proof of income
- the guarantor’s residency at their address cannot be verified
- the information on the application is found to be fraudulent
Who would be an acceptable guarantor?
An acceptable guarantor will be financially stable and able to demonstrate that they can afford to cover the tenant’s rent; they have to be
a full UK resident and be confirmed at their current address; they should not have any adverse credit history; they should be prepared to
have a full guarantor reference carried out by Rentguard and to also sign a Guarantor Agreement.
What support do I have?
To enable you to get the most benefit from our services we have a dedicated support team to help with enquiries. They will be able to
assist you through the process and answer any questions you have about Tenant Referencing.
The support team can be contacted on 0333 000 0162 Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm and Saturday 9am to 1pm. If you are a registered user
you can also request help or advice from within your user area and track your applications 24 hours a day.